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For you, if you want a precise personalised biological age check. English version for all customers outside Germany 

The epiAge epigenetic age test EU can offer: 
  • The next-generation epigenetic age test for home use 
  • A user-friendly DNA analysis kit to calculate your biological age 
  • Analysis of sample in the laboratory of one of the leading epigeneticists 
  • Age-monitoring with scientific accuracy 
  • Effectiveness test of your personal anti-aging regimen 

Age is much more than a number of chronological years. Biological years is the age of the cells that make up your body based on various properties and biomarkers that have been researched to correlate with aging. epiAge epigenetic age test EU can provide state-of-the-art DNA research embedded in a user-friendly product. 

This is how it works: 

  1. You take a saliva test and send it to HKG, a specialized laboratory 
  2. The laboratory analyses your test triple times for the utmost scientific accuracy 
  3. After a few weeks you have the result of your biological age

Product details:

Health benefits at a glance:

First of all – what is chronological vs biological age? Chronological age is years in number, but we don't just age chronologically. Biological years is the age of the cells that make up your body based on various properties and biomarkers that have been researched to correlate with aging and decline.

Biological age is thus an important benchmark on your way to a long and healthy life. But many factors, such as daily habits or stress levels, affect it.

If you want to know your true age and are wondering what impacts your lifestyle choices have had on your biological age, you can first take a reliable and accurate biological age test.

epiAge™ is a next-generation epigenetic age test for home use designed to determine our biological age. Using the latest research findings in biotechnology, it enables the detection of how fast you have aged so far.

Based on a simple saliva test, you will receive the result of your epigenetic age within just a few weeks. epiAge™ collaborates with the biotech laboratory of Professor Dr. Moshe Szyf, one of the world's leading epigeneticists at McGill University in Montreal. Your sample is analyzed in his research laboratory according to the latest scientific and technological standards.

The test result, your calculated epigenetic age, will either confirm that you are on the right track or provide momentum to do meaningful lifestyle changes.

Why it works:

Aging is a complex biological process, and sometimes people may age at an accelerated or slower rate as compared to the actual number of years they have lived. This means that their biological age is different from their chronological one.

The influence we have over our biological age can in other words be a positive impact, but also a negative one if we are not making healthy lifestyle choices, as many unhealthy choices are correlated with higher biological ages.

epiAge epigenetic age test EU/UK offers an easy-to-use DNA analysis kit to calculate your scientifically precise years. Its patented test procedure uses the methylation markers on your DNA to determine your actual biological/epigenetic age – with utmost scientific accuracy.

Methylation changes are associated with age, but the good news is that studies suggest that methylation processes are generally reversible. With the advantage of cutting-edge scientific expertise from a biotech laboratory, you have the possibility to plan new health-promoting and anti-aging strategies as well as regularly monitor their effectiveness.

The science behind the product:

Laboratory with Prof. Dr. Moshe Szyf

The HKG epiTherapeutics laboratory analyses your samples according to state-of-the-art research findings.

The estimation of your epigenetic age is based on your saliva test, and you will receive it within a few weeks. Your biological age is calculated from your epiAge™ score in relation to a representative control group. Deliberately, you are not being asked about your chronological age during test registration to avoid any bias. Please note, that the genetic data is not collected.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS)

The methodology for determining epigenetic age developed for epiAge epigenetic age test EU enables a precise evaluation based on exactly 13 specific so-called CpG islands on your DNA.

The test uses Illumina® Next Generation Sequencing, DNA sequencing diagnostic technique previously reserved for biochemical scientific research.

Triple Sequencing Method (TSM)

Another special feature of the epiAge™ test is the triple analysis of your DNA. Relative deviations in the reading of the DNS are technically unavoidable.

With triple sequencing, the DNA is analyzed three times separately and the average value is determined from the individual results in order to present as accurate a picture as possible of the methylations of your genome, which correlate with age.

The procedures increase the accuracy of the analysis of your DNA methylations to determine your epigenetic age and enable very precise results with 2 decimal places. 

Utmost technical accuracy

epiAge epigenetic age test EU performs three independent tests on your saliva sample.

To compensate for relative deviations, your epiAge score (from which your biological age is derived) is determined from the average of these three test cycles.

If your biological age is significantly higher than your chronological age

A significantly higher biological age is an abnormality suggesting that it may be advisable to implement certain changes in your lifestyle. But please keep in mind that epigenetic age is also subject to fluctuation. If you had a bad cold a few weeks ago, it may suffice to influence the test result.

If your biological age is lower than your chronological age

A lower biological age may suggest that you have done some things right in the past. You should see this as an incentive to maintain your health routines and possibly even expand them.

Depending on whether your biological age is higher or lower than your chronological age, you can evaluate your own lifestyle, and if needs be, draw conclusions for changes. With sustainable health routines, you can influence your aging process step by step and develop positively.

Your own well-being will certainly confirm whether you are making progress. In addition, changes can be accurately determined with a follow-up test after a few months.

Your age is more than a number – change it! Day by day and year by year. 

How to use: 

  • The age test comes with a detailed manual in English, all materials required to collect the saliva sample, and a return envelope (postage not included ) for the saliva sample. 
  • Upon registration of the test kit with the included secure ID via the epiAge website, you will be informed by email when your test result is available, usually after 4 weeks. 
  • If you have questions about your test result, our team of health advisors will be happy to assist you. 
  • A sample test result can be found here. 


  • epiAge epigenetic age test EU test is not a medical health analysis and should not be construed as a medical examination, diagnosis, treatment, preventative, measure, or risk assessment of disease. 
  • The test is solely intended to determine epigenetic age and is based on the analysis of the DNA methylations around your DNA. 
  • The genetic data is not collected.