For you, if you are interested in highly absorbable curcumin for whole-body health support
The ingredients in Super Bio-Curcumin® Turmeric Extract can:
- Provide health benefits for nearly every organ system
- Offer up to seven times more absorbable curcumin than the standard
- Help inhibit inflammatory factors in joints and vital organs
- Support cardiovascular and brain health
- Promote immune response
Curcumin is genuine a superfood but hard to absorb. Life Extension's formula is made with the highly-absorbable BCM-95® Bio-Curcumin® extract. BCM-95® can be up to seven times more absorbable than standard curcumin and also stay in your bloodstream longer.

Health benefits at a glance:
Use the curcumin extract in Super Bio-Curcumin® to help support your immune- and inflammatory response regulation and benefit from the many other health benefits that extracts from the superfood turmeric can bring to your body.
Super Bio-Curcumin® Turmeric Extract contains unique curcumin extract that is absorbed up to 7 times more easily and stays up to twice as long in your bloodstream as conventional curcumin supplements.
Why it works:
Turmeric, where curcumin comes from, is no less than a true superfood.
Curcumin extracts can inhibit inflammatory factors in the body, support your digestive function, and encourage healthy cell division. It can also contribute to maintaining normal, healthy brain [1-11], platelet and pancreatic function [12-17].
And while doing all of this, it can also help to fight free radicals [12,18] and encourage the maintenance of a stable hormone balance.
Life Extension's ultra-potent curcumin formula contains the highly-absorbable BCM-95® extract, which brings out the maximum health benefits of curcumin. It is up to 7 times more absorbable than conventional curcumin supplements and stays twice as long in the bloodstream.
The science behind the product:
Curcumin promotes your body's healthy response to inflammation by inhibiting key inflammatory factors such as NF-kappaB. This is a protein molecule that acts like an "on-switch" in genes governing the body's pro-inflammatory responses.
In relation to this, curcumin has been shown to exert powerful inhibitory effects on NF-kappaB activation [19-24].
Furthermore, clinical trials suggest that curcumin can promote healthy bowel function and joint health [10, 25-34].
Moreover, curcumin can also benefit your mind. Curcumin extract can promote the health of the immune system by inhibiting histamine release from mast cells [18,35-38]. In some studies, curcumin supported healthy brain function and offered neuro-protective benefits [1-11].
Curcumin also supports pancreatic function by encouraging pancreatic islet health. Curcumin's multifaceted benefits even include antioxidant [39-40] protection as well as hormone balance support.
Finally, research indicates that curcumin can help protect against estrogen-mimicking chemicals [41-46], inhibit free radicals, and promote normal cell growth.
How to use:
Please take according to the dosage and use guidelines under supplement facts, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
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